My favorite craftsman of Naruko: Tomohiro Matsuda

My favorite craftsman of Naruko: Tomohiro Matsuda

*This article was posted on June 17, 2022. These items may be sold out.

Tomohiro Matsuda is a young Kokeshi doll craftsman of Naruko.

 The kokeshi dolls he makes are very beautiful and have a good taste.

 He probably inherited the passion for making kokeshi from his father and grandfather who are also kokeshi doll craftsmen, but his blog shows that he is very research enthusiastic and is very serious about making kokeshi dolls.

 You can see a lot of pictures on his own website, so be sure to check it out.

 Official website:

 I especially like his unpolished kokeshi dolls.  Kokeshi dolls are usually polished with sandpaper to smooth the surface of the wood, but if you dare to leave the surface rough without doing this, you will get a unique look.

 Here’s an article on unpolished kokeshi dolls by Hirohiro Matsuda

 I really hope this young promising craftsman will keep producing such charming and unique kokeshi dolls.



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